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If astronauts learn to spacewalk in 60 days …

There's big hope for achieving that 2024 goal!

You know that big goal you set out to get done in 2024?
I’ll work one-on-one with you to achieve giant leaps on it before this year is out. (And we will succeed!)

That’s what this video is about, above.
That’s what the transcript from this video is, below.
And that’s the extra special bonus announcement I’ve been saving for this Friday’s masterclass on “Your Built-In Tower of Power.”

But you can’t hear all the details of our partnership unless you’re registered for the free masterclass on Friday.

So, here’s your opportunity on Friday to …
1. Figure out how to direct the internal “Managing Director” you’ve got running your life …
2. Cash in on working with me directly, just you or you and your team.

Because here’s the thing … you can soak in all sorts of information on how to do it right. But dialing in directly to a 30-year experienced mentor who can personally help you get it done … that’s what makes the difference.

Register for Friday’s free masterclass here:

Get In: Fri, Oct 18th, 9 am PDT/noon EDT

Feel free to share this free masterclass info with fellow business peers and workmates


Here’s the Transcript from Today’s Video:

How much do you really think you can get done in the next 60 days?

Do you know that on Halloween day, there are only 60 days left in the year of 2024? Now, you may have been working on a really big goal all year long. It may have been for your giant corporation that spans the globe; you have all kinds of business executives working on the same goal. You may be a solopreneur just starting a new business. Maybe you want to write a new book.

You've had this big goal … but somewhere in this long year you felt a little stuck. You may have felt slogged down, you may have been slowed down a little bit.

Now you're looking at the next 60 days and you're thinking, “There's no way anything else is going to happen on this goal. I mean, my gosh, we're already heading into the holiday season and all of that chaos.”

Well, back up, back up, the holiday season doesn't start for another five weeks! The reason why I am starting my Tower of Power course on Halloween is that it lasts five weeks!

And in that Tower of Power course, I'm offering you something that you're not going to find anywhere else: I’m going to meet with you and we are going to personally – one-on-one – put together the plan for the next 60 days.
… How you can re-engineer that momentum.
… How you can strategize that plan moving forward.
… What I need to do to help you put the boards under the wheels so that you can dig out of that mud bank and really start feeling momentum.

Listen, if NASA astronauts can learn how to spacewalk in less than 60 days, YOU and I can take quantum leaps, too!

I want to get you to New Year's Eve feeling the release, the relief and the freedom of having really accomplished something big on “The Goal for 2024.” And now you've got all this giant momentum moving forward into 2025.

This is why I offer this rare mentoring opportunity to you: Because of what Bob Proctor did for me in the 30 years that I worked with him, apprenticed with him.

Bob was always there to help me strategize a new plan, to talk through what my big goal was, and help me come up with points that got me away from the stuck points.

Now, in this 5-week course, “Your Built-In Tower of Power,” you're going to be learning about all of the mental factors that you already have in play that may have been playing in your favor or against your favor your entire life. This is the 5-week course – the bulk curriculum – but you're also going to be working with me personally on what you're accomplishing in the next 60 days.

This is what you deserve. I am carrying the belief for you, and I am helping you solidify that belief, seeing you step into the belief, seeing you step into the easy actions – the easy momentum that you deserve – on this big goal. We can make a lot happen in the next 60 days.

Hear More in Friday's Masterclass

Or just do it … Register for this 5-week course now (aren’t you ready to change the trajectory RIGHT Now?)

Register for 5-Week Course

I have priced this course very, very fairly because this isn’t about me. This about getting YOU, getting your staff, your executives re-engaged so that we are all moving forward with energetic momentum that cannot be stopped for any reason.

It's going to be the biggest game changer of your year.

P.S. Remember, this course is also tax deductible, business leader!

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