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Wow! Check out that reaction of yours.

It's a gigantic clue

My “Mindset Mastery” group began yesterday and lemme tell you, in just 3 introductory pages, Neville Goddard takes us ALL down to the mat. OOF.

We started this 6-week excursion with Goddard’s The Wealth Mindset and he laid it all on the table on Page ONE.

This clip above is me breaking it down for you – because this is seriously ALL the goods you need to know in just the first three pages.

“Wealth Mindset” might not even be an issue for you.

It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same and this still applies. Just fill in the blank with that ONE thing that’s never quite right in your life.

’Cuz the fact is, you’re probably truly rocking it (except for that one damned thing). You may even have it rocking on 7 of your 8 cylinders of life. In your opinion – even in the world’s opinion – it looks like you’ve got it dialed in.

But there’s that one pesky, gnawing aspect of your life that keeps popping up – maybe chronic money worries … maybe fear of leaping into THAT big idea … maybe it’s weight you can’t seem to lose … maybe you’re settling on work that doesn’t inspire you … maybe it’s that swinging exit door of one employee after another that you just can’t figure out.

WHY WHY WHY … when you’ve got all this other stuff easily figured out, you can’t get THAT THING figured out, too?

This is the GIF Bob Proctor used to send me when I’d tell him that I still couldn’t figure out this ONE thing for my life. LOL. I loved that man. But you’ve gotta admit - when that one thing isn’t dialing in, it can absolutely feel like this for you.

Neville Goddard tells you why – and how to fix it – right here on Page One. This 7.30 minute video can be your game changer. Let me break it down for you …

Thanks for reading Diane Armitage's Golden Ticket! Feel free to share this post!


P.S. Thanks to all of you many many who celebrated my birthday this week by downloading my free book, LEAP: 7 Steps to Legendary Success (it’s there on the home page, just scroll). That freebie is always there for you.

The 50% offer on the entire on-demand (at your pace) LEAP course, where I teach you and walk you through these truly uncommon 7 Steps, goes away today, though. Grab it before the last birthday candle melts into a puddle of wax goo on that cake there.

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Diane Armitage's Golden Ticket
Diane Armitage's Golden Ticket Podcast
Here's a Diane Armitage thought to unwrap that opens the gates to your own mind's magnificence and the one-of-a-kind magic of you.