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Dream not happening? Blame the Terror Barrier

Great new idea = knees usually start quakin'

This week, I had a “Terror Barrier” moment. It actually started revving up about two weeks ago. Damned miserable, the “Terror Barrier.”

But even more miserable is when you don’t understand that a Terror Barrier is underway and undermining in your life, chipping away at your resolve to accomplish or achieve that NEW thing. That NEW goal or dream.

Now, you may WANT to know more about this Terror Barrier … and you may not.

In the video up there (I’m pointing to the top), I talk about the fact that I have all sorts of lovely readers here in Golden Ticket, and I’m so very grateful for every one of you. In fact, there are thousands of you here, which knocks my socks off. But some of you may not want to dive into a spontaneous 23-minute video/audio lesson on how to recognize and Kung-Fu-karate a Terror Barrier in your own life. And that’s perfectly OK.

If, however, you’re interested in spelunking …

Meaning, if you’re interested in these “Deeper Dive” video/audio epsiodes, I’m giving you simple links to jump into that balmy ocean over there …

Soon, that “Deeper Dive” Video Spelunk is becoming my podcast world, but let’s concern ourselves with that later when I haven’t had to get past THIS week’s Terror Barrier with a real-world radio show. One technology situation at a time!

My 1-minute summary of my Terror Barrier mini-teaching:

Today I want to help you through the Terror Barrier. I went through one myself this week, so it’s very fresh in my mind. You may think there are people who don’t experience Terror Barrier moments, but ANY time you’re changing, expanding, creating on your life … you’re going to come up against these defining moments again and again.

It may not even feel like a really big goal initially . . . but it doesn’t matter how big you define it in your mind, your paradigm considers it a giant CHANGE, and it is terrified of that giant.

Click below for this full episode and I’ll walk you through the 4 steps of the Terror Barrier … and how to get to the other side.

Click for Full Terror Barrier Episode

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Diane Armitage's Golden Ticket
Diane Armitage's Golden Ticket Podcast
Here's a Diane Armitage thought to unwrap that opens the gates to your own mind's magnificence and the one-of-a-kind magic of you.