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On Hurricanes, Towers & The Armitage Café!

Hi, my friends.

Yesterday morning, I couldn't believe how many people in the Southeast U.S. were texting me and emailing me to apologize that they couldn't get into my live masterclass this morning (“Your Built-In Tower of Power”) because they didn't have any power. They were wondering where their houses were. They were wondering how their houses were. They were grappling with chaos there.

Let’s send these people thoughts of energetic health, support, protection and calm, poised confidence so that they continue to recover quickly and easily.

As for my masterclass yesterday – there were plenty of great people there. But, in today’s aftermath, I’ve decided to do another live masterclass next Friday, Oct. 18th, 9 am PDT/noon EDT.

The registrants who signed up for today’s class - you have the same zoom link.
Those of you who are curious to join, perfect. Here’s the new Zoom link:

Register: Tower of Power on Oct 18th

The connection between the Hollywood filming I watched yesterday and your Tower of Power

It’s amazing what happens when you begin to work with your Built-In Tower of Power in the right way.

This was extremely apparent to me Wednesday when my dear friend, Emmy-nominated Nelson Coates invited me to Downtown L.A. Nelson is one of the world's leading Hollywood Production Designers; he’s been creating Apple TV’s The Morning Show for the last three years.

Me and my dear friend, Leading Hollywood Production Designer Nelson Coates, as we step into downtown Manhattan on the streets of L.A. Behind us the LinkNYC power station with rotating banners (all made by Nelson). See the New York-ready scooters in blue, the kebab stand across the street, the rooftops of NY yellow cabs and more (And this is just a tiny portion of what was really in play everywhere.)

As a leading Hollywood Production Designer, Nelson designs the entire world of a movie or series.

Nelson works hand-in-hand with the Director of the movie or streaming series. He’s in charge of creating everything around the actors – everything they wear, their detailed offices and homes, everything in their environment. It is a magical moment, indeed, when you see the real-world result from what started as a simple idea for a show called The Morning Show.

Nelson takes words on a script and breathes life and color into its existence.

The detail he puts into his work is beyond words. When I showed up Wednesday with my good friend Ruben (also Nelson’s partner), it was INCREDIBLE. Nelson and his team had transformed two blocks of downtown Los Angeles into Manhattan! There were New York City policemen and police cars … New York taxi cabs … kebab carts … corner deli shops … even scuffed subway venting towers.


Nelson wanted me there to see the Armitage Café he created in my honor for all the restaurant work I do. For the record, it must be quite a successful restaurant because it sits (purportedly) on Manhattan’s 5th Avenue right across from the (imaginary) UBN headquarters, the big TV network that The Morning Show is all about. He wanted me to see it in person before it was dismantled again.

“My” (imaginary) Armitage Café, which has been filmed in seasons 2, 3 and now 4 of The Morning Show.

Throughout the day, everywhere he took us, it was absolutely astounding to see all of this detail, all of this man’s imagination that has, in turn, created its own ripple effect forward. And I got to meet the wonderful Director, Mimi Leder. I sat in on the filming of one of Reese Witherspoon’s scenes (everything around her designed and built by Nelson with his amazing team in a matter of a few days).

THIS is somebody who knows how to work their “Built-In Tower of Power” correctly!

And he doesn’t even know he’s doing it! I walked four miles yesterday just getting across his stages and sets. They are ENORMOUS; they fill buildings the size of Costco warehouses. And each set is so detailed, down to pencil cups and chosen artwork to reflect the character’s personality. It left me speechless.

Imagine YOU enjoying a similarly detailed and magnificent result in your life from that simple idea you have in YOUR head.

You know … that thing you’ve been considering or trudging along on for your business or wealth plan or personal goal.

This is exactly what you’ll be crafting for your life when you get involved in my live course, “Tower of Power.”

This morning I opened registration for the 5-week course. It starts on Halloween, Oct. 31st.

I'm going to be culling some of Nelson’s genius, imaginative examples I saw yesterday – the very height of Hollywood production – into the “Tower of Power” course … Because it’s time to become the Production Designer of your own life, your own business. Why not follow the examples of the best in the business?

Two actions I encourage you to take now:
1. Register for the free, live masterclass on Fri, Oct 18th

1. It’s 9 am PDT/noon EDT. It's going to be a fun, fast-moving “teaser trailer” into the phenomenal “production” for your life that lies ahead.

Register: Tower of Power on Oct 18th

2. Take a look at what you’ll be conquering and moving forward on in this 5-week curriculum I’ve attached (it’s a mind blower).

As you can see, it is PACKED and it is INTENSE with both a Teaching Focus AND an immediate Power Shift Lab in each live session. This is real world application for business leaders, team leaders, solopreneurs and people who want to be solopreneurs but just haven’t been able to make it happen.

Tower Of Power Program Brochure
3.32MB ∙ PDF file

It’s time to master the Mindset System you’ve never even heard about before. Here are just a few of your greatest wins:

Unique Strategy for Revolutionary Growth

If you have questions, just hit “REPLY” on this email. Thank you so much for being a part of my world.

P.S. And Happy Thanksgiving, my Canadian loves!

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